Welcome to Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living, located in historic Placerville, California!

We are a safe and welcoming sanctuary inviting all people to explore their unique spiritual nature through the teachings and practice of Science of Mind and Spirit. All people, no matter what their gender, race, religion or sexual orientation are accepted and respected.
We teach Science of Mind principles and practices and are excited to see you at our Sunday services, classes, workshops or book studies. With roots in the Transcendental teachings, we are a New Thought community studying the teachings of Jesus, Ernest Holmes, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Brene Brown and many other contemporary spiritual philosophers.

Science of Mind is based on the principle that God is all there is; there is nothing outside the presence of The Divine. As God is an indwelling presence, each has their own personal relationship with The Divine.
We are a nonprofit affiliate of the world wide Centers For Spiritual Living based in Golden, Colorado.

Our Senior Minister, Rev. Ramona J. Goodge is ordained through Centers For Spiritual Living and holds a Masters Degree in Consciousness and Spirituality from the Holmes Institute of Consciousness Studies. She draws upon the wisdom of nature and the teachings of Jesus to explore the mysteries of Life and the joys of Spirit. When she isn't teaching, you can find Ramona out with her goats and dogs, learning how to approach everything with curiosity and enthusiasm.
We are glad you are here and look forward to supporting you in finding the inspiration and transformation that you seek.