Join us LIVE as we celebrate Spirit on Sunday mornings. We hold services every Sunday at 10:30a.m. at the Placerville Town Hall, 549 Main Street, downtown Placerville. We will also be simultaneously "zooming" the Sunday Service. Email us at [email protected] for Zoom link and password.

Throughout the year we explore both ancient and contemporary writings for timeless wisdom, relevant to living today and creating a world that works for everyone. In an early Science of Mind magazine, founder Ernest Holmes wrote: “The philosophy of Religious Science is nothing new to the world. It is rather a synthesis of the greatest concepts which have ever come to the mind of man. The love of Christ, the ethics of Buddha, the morals of Confucius, the deep spiritual realization of the Hindus, the mystical revelations of the saints of the Middle Ages, the laws of parallels and compensation of Emerson, the logic of Kant, the spirituality of Swedenborg, the beauty of Browning, and the wide, universal sweep of Walt Whitman all find an exalted place in the philosophy of Religious Science.”
We feature different speakers every week. Check out the events page for the speaker schedule.
How Deeply Is the Divine Etched in My Life
by Douglas VanWoerkom 12-05-20

The old meaning of the word CHARACTER was:
“The etch of God on your soul.” The tired old man, or woman,
Is one who has given up on ever knowing God in their life,
But a true seeker is always moving closer to the Maker of all things.
When you become a truth seeker, great teachings find you.
Dare now to live large, and take great strides upon this earth,
In ways that are meaningful to you. Ask yourself every day,
“How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”
If you feel there is no new uplifting way to live your life –
Then you are enslaved. Either discover a healthy way
Of thinking that frees you to grow each day,
Or you will be trapped in one that doesn’t.
Once you understand this, you will no longer need
A preacher, or a teacher (or a poet)
To show you the way. You are the way!
Ask yourself, each morning you wake up, and every night you go to sleep,
“How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”
You know, a loving God is completely comfortable with diversity.
Look around, it’s everywhere!
But don’t settle for seeing the attractive in what’s easy.
Divinity is unfolding through all of us, even in the most difficult of times.
True beauty won’t show Itself
Until we look deep into the hard places with an open heart.
So, ask yourself, in good times and in bad,
“How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”
It’s true, we’ll joyfully lead a child by the hand as they learn to walk,
Yet we hesitate to encourage the Divine in our own lives!
Why do we hold back in prayer?
We are choosers within Creation, partners with Potential!
Why do we hold back in prayer?
We are Divinity’s upward spiral, Creation’s continuing expansion!
Why do we hold back in prayer?
Friends, let’s not wait until the end of a long, lonely life to ask ourselves,
“How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”
Did you know that the future lives in us long before it ever appears?
Our entire unfolding is in us now, just waiting for us to choose.
You know, always making room for new choices to occur
Leaves Eternity breathless!
Can we agree some self-growth is built in but,
At some point, we consciously have to choose to grow?
Let’s all chose to grow right now and ask ourselves,
“How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”
We all stand somewhere between the two greatest of gifts -
Our birth and our death.
One is the Great Entering,
The other the Great Returning.
Each life an exploration of all that is possible,
Each death a rejoining with all that is true.
Is there any better time or place than right here and now,
In this life, to explore our own Divinity?
The fool looks Eternity right in the eye and says,
“I have all the time I need.”
The wise one asks, “How deeply is the Divine etched in my life?”